Tanzania’s Withdrawal from the African Court and its Effects in Safeguarding of Human and Peoples’ Rights



Published Sep 6, 2023
vincent mtavangu agripina


Tanzania is one of the African Union (AU) Member States committed to protecting human rights at the regional level. This was revealed by the deposition of declaration to allow individuals and Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) direct access to the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights, (the African Court). The deposited declaration was currently withdrawn by the State, hence curtailing individual Tanzanians and NGOs freedom to have direct access to the African Court. Although, the doors are not closed, individual and NGOs can still challenge the State on violation of human rights via the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, (the African Commission), which do not have legal force. Tanzania’s decision has been considered to have effects not only on individuals and NGOs but also on AU as it impairs the AU agenda of 2063 focusing, among others, on improving human rights, democracy and good governance throughout the country.

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The African Charter, Human and Peoples’ Rights, the African Court, the African Commission
